Star Wars on Bluray Episode IV: A New Hope

Please note:
I will be looking at all 6 films, not reviewing them per say, or looking at what is coming out on the Bluray as every site seems to be doing that.
I will review each film on Bluray when I get the Saga in my hands.
The movie that started the whole craze back in 1977 and caught the world's attention.It was simply titled "Star Wars"back then
now over the years it has transformed into
"Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope".

The opening weekend saw a gross of

$1,554,475 (USA) (30 May 1977) (43 Screens)

(source :IMDB)

But over the years it was many things that changed, the blowing up of the Death Star was also blown up bigger and better, for some.I feel that there are certain changes he did on the 1997 release that should have been left alone this last one was one of them.The explosion is too obvious it was not part of the original film.
I could take all year and look at all the things that I found fault in whatever film of the Saga, however instead I will look at what it meant to the fans.
I will do this as I have noticed that through the years the people that have worked so hard on these films there are reasons they go back and do these touch ups, the technology was not available when the film was shot, or they thought something else might work better.For me there is no other film that gives me the satisfaction of escaping to another world better than this film  Episode IV.
For me there were allot of different and not such good memories at this time and my step sister Carol took me and my sister Noelle to see this as we had heard the radio commercials and were excited to see it.
We did not have a TV at the time so we did not see any of this world in commercials or TV specials.
As well know this movie blew the roof off allot of theatres so much cheering and many people lining back up to see it again.
I did not have that luxury until my stepfather rented a Beta machine and we watched it at home.

The series of the first films are my favorites and I have them in the storybook form,

the Read-Along books,

I have them on Beta

I have them on VHS when they first came out in Letterbox
I also have them on DVD and will be getting the Blu-ray of them this next week.

I thank Mr.George Lucas for creating this universe and look forward to the Blu-Ray

Written by

Anthony Nadeau
