Film Synopsis:
At a home for retired musicians, the annual concert to celebrate Verdi's birthday is disrupted by the arrival of Jean, an eternal diva and the former wife of one of the residents.
There are those films that are basically time pieces of a certain period of someone's life etc-there are also those that en capture a certain feeling and a love for life.Even though this is a retirement home for the retired musician-there is no real relaxing here, someone is always singing, playing the piano, violin or trumpet. The resident three played so well by our lead actors prior to the debut of our main star of the stage Maggie Smith. Once a successful singer(Jean Horton) she is not happy to be joining this group of seniors for the thought she might be old as well.
The clip above shows the remarkable talent within this group of four actors and the rest of the cast-the most amazing part for me was at the end when the credits ran(which I always watch) there are 19 musicians/actors/performers that are credited for their work in the arts, such as:
Dame Gwyneth Jones: Der Rosenkaulier Metropolitan Opera 1977
Hal Herbert: Violinist for The English Chamber Orchestra 1966-1970
Melodie Waddingham: Member of the Chorus: English National Opera 1982-2010
Colin Bradbury: Principal Clarinet BBC Symphony 1960-1993
That of course is just a small sample of what talent Dustin Hoffman had to direct, surely made it no more simpler to do so but this was a rich, fun and I thought after that my mother would have loved to retire in a place like that as she was so fond of all the arts herself, also a artist(painter & teacher).
There is no doubt in my mind that this has been one of my most enjoyable views of a film for a few years now I cannot reccomend this film enough quite honestly, even if you do not think you will enjoy it I say otherwise.
Just when you thought it could never happen again along comes Stoker to challenge what might be something out of the ordinary and totally twist it around to almost being about incest, but then just blowing that idea away.
A loner India(Mia Wasikowska)never fitting in with her piers and only really fond of her father who took her hunting all the time when she was younger, has got herself caught up in a cat-and-canary type of situation. Her uncle has come back from a tour of the world working for a great magazine, but as they say don't always believe what you have been told.
This was all told very well in a slow methodical pace that allows the actor to better tell us what their character is all about. Then where might seem like this is going to be a cliched film it veers right off the road. Almost like a shot to the head.
We have read the books we have experienced the burning of the witch in The Brothers Grimm's book, however what ever happened after that day?
Welcome to the new fairy tale 2013 they have grown and now are very successful Witch Hunters.
They rely on each other and are well trained in what they do they also have all the tools necessary to do their work, killing witches.
They are hired by the local mayor of the town as 11 of their children have gone missing and they fear another child is in danger.
The two get seperated and some trouble that Gretel started earlier in the film comes back to haunt her, but she has some unexpected help, Edward.
There is a ton of action and if you like films like "Van Helsing" than this will not dissapoint also having Famke Janssen as the head witch wow she is stunning.
Thank you for reading this
Anthony Nadeau
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