Independent Film Reviews: To Jennifer Shot entirely on the IPhone 5!

All of the images used were copied into Paint for Windows and put here by me Anthony Nadeau.

Story Synopsis:

Joey suspects his girlfriend of two years, Jennifer, is cheating on him. He is so convinced that he enlists the help of his cousin Steven to create a Video Diary of his attempt to catch her in the act as well as to document the heartbreak she is putting him through. In an attempt to make her feel guilty, he intends to give this tape to her after catching her in the act.

Seeing my friend James put a call out on Facebook for people to watch and review his film I quickly answered that and he sent me the film. Now it had taken me sometime to watch the film also this is almost 2 weeks after watching it, sorry James.

Now you read that right as this film was cleverly filmed on the IPhone and what a job that must have been. This is a tricky film to review without giving away to much but puts stalking in film in a different light.

The film opens with this face Joey(Chuck Pappas) in the camera talking to Jennifer(Jessica Cameron) and telling her that he caught her cheating on him and that he and his friend Steven(James Cullen Bressack) are going across country to confront her about it all.

Not have flown before Joey has an anxiety attack and gets he and Steven booted off the plane. Steven is a total pain in the ass(the character not the actor)This a slow down for them for it's four days before they leave the hospital.

They get hold of their friend Martin(Jody Barton) and convince him to drive them the remainder of the way, problem is Martin likes to party and knows a lot of people along the way which slows them down even more, Joey is not impressed and has a convincing chat with Martin.

This is a really good little film and the ending has a good little shocker as well, hope this film does well as it deserves it.

Lets just say that when Joey does meet up with Jennifer she is less than convinced that she is in love with him.

Thank you for reading this


Anthony Nadeau
