Behind The Scenes Here For Yet Another Year!

So things are good here at Behind The Scenes just got word this morning that this blog address was successfully updated for another year.

I want to thank you the reader for reading the posts almost daily and please let it be known that since day one I will not post anything offensive, really graphic or obscene language or violence, for me there is no real reason for any of that-at least for this site.

 I would also like to thank all the labels and artists that have been sending me their music over the years and all the staff at the labels that have become like family for a good number of them.

I also want to thank all the movie studios that have sent me links/DVDs of their films and for the independent filmmakers that have sent me their films over the years as well for those are the ones that mean the most as they have put such an effort into making those films, still many to watch and a few to review in the next couple of days.

I have many artists that I still have to review and I will have Best/Worst lists of Music & Movies to come in the New Year!

Thank you ever so kindly for staying with me 

and reading my posts


Anthony Nadeau
