"Addict" is an awesome song and one of the many reasons for the five stars, almost alone in the one song that got this album the rating it did, yes it's that good folks.
I often wonder why the bands that come across my desk to be reviewed are not household names and then I remember because a good many of them are either releasing their albums themselves or the label is small and alot of media outlets don't wanna deal with smaller labels/bands(their loss)
Every band needs to start somewhere this being their second album is a welcome addition to any metal fans collection(my opinion). Laura Donnelly blasts the lungs with great control and awesome strength once again as her previous vocal work, she has stronger material to work with on this album.The rest of the band Jamie Gilchrist(Guitar), Frazer Marr(bass) & LA Conway(Drums)fill in the grooves and tempos nicely, some great work here throughout.
The talent that is so obvious here is great to hear and be a part of I thank the band for once again creating some great music, this is their life and I wish them nothing but success for 2014!.
The song below is the first track off the album.
"Descent Into Madness" is another great song-with a great riff and if you are a fan of Heavy Metal I would suggest that you listen to this band.
Thank you for reading this
Anthony Nadeau
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