There are good family films about animals Old Yeller, The Incredible Journey, Hoot & Free Willy they all have a purpose and a reason for it all. There is no reason really for this film at all other than some animals making a mess of someones house, scene after scene is somewhat painful to view as there is no need for the most of what is shot and kept in the film.
When the family makes a trip to the local small zoo the tiger's cage is opened and one of the babies gets out and heads right into our young lead actor's backpack and he takes the animal home.
There is little to get here and I normally enjoy these types of films but the lack of any real story here makes for a really dull film , there are countless times the dog barks gets put outside and then chases the tiger around the house or the animals are locked in the bedroom. Please note at the end of the film the Humane Society gave their stamp of approval that no animals were hurt during the filming.
Very similar to that of young child actors they have to be twins so they are on set for a limited amount of time, so there are two tiger cubs.
I did not totally hate this film but just wished there was more to the story there are scenes when random shots are taken through a park near the end or the young boy above(who was one of the better actors in the film) is totally pigging out on many things throughout the film.
The only concern here also was to get the tiger back to the zoo as they were losing money, kept stating that maybe they missed the cub at the zoo, his reward was by getting life long passes to the zoo.
Thank you for reading this
Anthony Nadeau
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