Independent Film Reviews--The Short Film Reviews: No Pets Allowed(Updated!)

(Story Synopsis)

As a young child Rebecca was traumatized by her Father’s cruel way of dealing with the animals she brought home. As an adult she still has a great love for animals but the pets she has are quite unusual.

I was given the pleasure of watching this short film -this is a horror film not a family film at all but in the 16+ minutes this film is going it is a very good venture for a first film.

Nadine(above) is a DIY filmmaker , this is her 4th short film (I had made mention it was her first my mistake) -for untrained eyes they may say yes it shows but I have seen enough Independent film to see past the grain or the choppy sound etc and just take the film for what it is. It's a short horror film and without giving it away -Rebecca does get pets but at her discretion and she is sadistic.

I thought it to be a good 16 minutes spent and look forward to what Nadine dreams up next and her twisted cast.

Guess I am just as twisted  to like the film.

It takes some skill to even make a short film such as this I have written short stories in my day and know to get it just right is a process in itself, can only imagine the task of shooting what you have written as well.Expect to hear more from Nadine & the stories she tells.

Have a view of the few festivals she has the film entered this year!

Thank you for reading this


Anthony Nadeau
