Little Shop of Movies Review: Sin City 2: A Dame To Kill For(Available Now)

If films were judged solely for their cinematography then this would be an award winner.

The story and the directing are great -comic writer/director Frank Miller & Robert Rodriguez team up again for
Sin City 2 : A Dame To Kill For

Shooting entirely in gray scale they have taken yet another chance by getting action film fans to watch another film with little or no colour.

But where someone might see the disadvantage of shooting this way instead as any real artist would do they use it to their advantage 100%. Less is more and I applaud them by taking away the colours that normally are so overwhelming and yet the chips are stacked to almost to a copy of the cities landscape.

We have a return of the regular faces for the sequel with either continuing stories from the first film, some have some new chapters in their lives.

The violence is heavy again but the blood here is white not red.

The eyes are very prevalent in both films as they eyes say so much and I love how they make a point of focusing on the in almost every shot.Visually speaking this is a great film to watch - the films themselves are very well told a good time through the character's narrative but done so very well--this action fan was pleased with the sequel.

Thank you for reading this 


Anthony Nadeau
