CD Review: Mammoth Mammoth-Volume IV-Hammered Again(Available Now)Napalm Records


Band Members:

Ben Couzens ,Guitars

Mikey Tucker ,Vocals

Frank Trobbiani ,Drums

Pete Bell ,Bass

Past members:

Gareth Sweet - Bass

Simon Jaunay - Bass



Record Label

Napalm Records

Short Description

More Awesome than God's tits!

Long Description

As one fan posted:

"Mark, you'll love this band, they're like Motorhead and AC/DC doing mushrooms with The Butthole Surfers, channelling the Birthday Party at a Black Sabbath concert!"

Current Location


Band Interests

Chasing mayhem...hunting unicorns...murdering Fuzz

Rock is alive and well -just ask the bands that are with the labels I review for, this is some good old rock music and I love that it.

Some are under the impression that it has gone underground and that is ok as that is where great things start and are re-born as well.

This is the type of music I grew up on and love that it is still around thanks to bands like this.

"Fuel Injected" is probably my favorite song on the album, but also enjoy so many on here.The title track is great also.

Good old vocals, guitar, bass and drums all the way through plays so well together all lending themselves equally to each of the songs and makes you tap along and grove to the music.

In a day and age that is so full of radio stations that play all the chart toppers there are still those that play classic rock-this derives from that time and keeps the rock alive.I applaud any band that picks a mic -guitars-bass- drums over the computer generated stuff that is filling the airwaves, and dares to be themselves.

Thank you for reading this 


Anthony Nadeau
