4 Years Has Gone By Quickly But Not Without Some Thanks--May 19, 2015 Anniversary!!

This is long overdue but when you read this you will see why it is behind, I do not make deadlines for myself I do things as I please here.

Little things are known to people who do not do what I or others in the same aspect of reviewing/interviewing etc do. We sit at our desks or Ipads what have you and filter through all the countless emails and requests for an album or movie to be reviewed even requests of late to do interviews with bands/movie makers etc.

I never for once have taken for granted what I get to do I make no money doing this, not a dime has been earned instead what has been earned is a complete and absolute love of what I am able to do for all the artists , labels, musicians , filmmakers for without the work they send me or allow me to post, write about or review I would have nothing.

I had started out on a blog of a friend at the time, feeling limited I did not contribute much to the site and in turn started doing this for the pure fun of doing it, I have always enjoyed writing when I was a teen did a number of short stories and some poems.

The world that met me was an odd one took me forever to master what seemed at the time an easy enough, however often wishing I had a typewriter again, but then the  words would be packed away in a case as the short stories and other writings are.

I would start by reviewing movies and things I had around the house and after reviewing music for another site I had made some contacts through that and asked if I could review for the labels the first of many was that of Century Media Records and the contact then was Nikki Law and she still works there and sends me music still.

The numbers would increase I then would have the pleasure of starting to review for The Asylum studios out of L.A. that also allowed me some contact with other studios as well.

I am going to show you the labels and the studios that have contacted me over the years -will be Music Labels-then movie studios

Doing a full head count of the labels I have reviewed for over the past 4 years is 43 for the music.

Adrenaline PR

Against PR

Agonia Records

Ain't No Grave Records

Asher Media Relations

Blackout PR

Blood Harvest Records

Catalyst Publicity Group

Century Media Records

Clawhammer PR

Earsplit PR

Emission Spectrum PR

Forever Plagued Records

Future PR

Globmetal PR

Head First Entertainment

Hell's Headbangers

Independent Music Promotions

Inside Out Music 

Inverse Records

Iron Bonehead

Rebel Music

Metal Blade Records

Napalm Records

Pavement Entertainment

Prescription PR

Prosthetic Records

Relapse Records

Ripple Music 

Sea of Corruption 

Season of Mist

Serpent Eve Records

Shape Shifter PR

Sheltered Life PR

Siege of Ameda 

Superball Music

Svart Records

The Metal Detector Music Promotions

Temple of Torturous 

Turkey Vulture Records

Wasted State Records

Working Brilliantly

The people for some of these labels are many that send music and  for some there is only one sending the music my my way.I will not name all the people as there are so many more names than there are labels here and would hate to forget someone.

The movie studios are not large studios ,however they are still studios that have allowed me to review for them and I appreciate them for letting me.

Epic Pictures Group

Full Moon Features

MTI Home Video

The Asylum

Uncork'd Entertainment

The films have mostly been horror/sci-fi and a few family films as well.

The absolute joy I get when a movie or album arrives for me from an Independent filmmaker or musician/band. That they have found out about me through searching the Internet or some one suggests sending me their works.

I also want to thank Little Shop of Movies for the last number of years allowing me to review for them as well as they have a special spot for me on their website that is quite the honor to have shown to me upon initial launch of that happening.

I need and want to thank Yvonne Loveland -Founder/CEO/Big Mama of Voodoo Queen Management in which she has run successfully and has many people that run other aspects of the company such as Kathey Waxler who runs the Voodoo Queen Digital Magazine , in which I have been honored to be a part of as well as a writer and reviewer.

There are many brothers and sisters , there are again far too many to mention , however the company is always growing, expanding and moving in different directions continuously that the numbers of the group fluctuate. Also always cross promoting with others is essential, keeps everyone alive and active.

The attention I first got from this wonderful woman when we first met was only to review the bands on her roster and liking the bands I of course wrote favorable reviews which she liked , she then asked if I was interested in joining her group-that of VQM -I was honored and said yes (of course).

This year I was bestowed the honor of being the Lead of VQM Canadian Chapter as well-this needs some working on from me a bit more, but it is what it is at the moment.

I have also made some friends in this venture as well.

Char & Rita Tupper of Metaltitans: Guardians of Metal are another site all together but have a passion for what they do as well. They are incredible people if you ever get the chance to meet them.

They are a mother/daughter team that has a passion for metal.

Many of the owners of clubs , bars--promoters , hosts, hostess I appreciate you all.

Last by no means at all I want to thank my family and friends for your ongoing support of what I do here , without the support from all of you reading this it would not mean as much.

I sincerely thank you for reading this

Anthony Nadeau
