My Own Chaos Debut NEW Song --Prisoner of War-Exclusive Debut To Behind The Scenes!

                                        Connie Chaos-Vocals

                                     Stony Olivier Gingras-Bass

                                          Andrew Bak-Drums

                                        James Farrow-Guitars

                                        Travis Arnold-Guitars

So being one of the first people this morning to be sent this music this morning --at 6:53 am to be exact on Facebook by Connie Chaos, to say I was overjoyed to hear some new music from the group is an understatement. Being a big fan since I first heard them years ago and then getting them to play my show last year was a thrill as well.

I really enjoy the changes throughout the song and the different melodies --the start of the song makes it seem like it may be a ballad but quickly changes at one minute in. Some more great stuff from My Own Chaos.

Copyright 2015-Stone Touch Photography

I asked Connie for some info on the song, this is what she had to say:

The song will be available on iTunes September 4th for digital download. Track was recorded at Turtle studios produced by Brad Graham and Andrew Bak.  Engineered by Brad Graham. Track is from the upcoming album to be released in Winter 2015

For more information go to My Own Chaos Website or

My Own Chaos Facebook Page

Copyright 2015-Stone Touch Photography

Info from their Facebook page:

MY OWN CHAOS is a Vancouver based metal band that mixes traditional metal with thrash and straight ahead Metal.Together they built a solid and immediate connection that laid the foundation for My Own Chaos.

MY OWN CHAOS` brand of heavy metal takes the listener through melodic, hardcore and outright angst with its many mood swings. The album takes you on a journey of self-revelations as it moves through a period of self-destructive behavior. Uniting a wide variety of influences from such bands as Overkill, Iron Maiden, Queensryche, Pantera, Black Sabbath and Strapping Young Lad the band carves a unique sound for themselves.The end result is sugar-coated strychnine.

 So without making you wait any longer --Here it is 

I give you "Prisoner of War" by My Own Chaos

Also to my readers you are hearing this new track here first 

Thank you for reading this 


Anthony Nadeau
