Online Fundraiser For Voodoo Queen Management---: A Taste of Voodoo

So here is something that is close to my heart as many of you know, not all do but I also work for this management group in the USA called Voodoo Queen Management. It all started in 2012 when I was approached by the owner/CEO of the company Yvonne Loveland and was at that time asked to review the bands she had on her roster. Months later she asked me to join the VQM family and am happily still there, such  a supportive group of people in this large family spanning the globe.

She is so giving of herself and takes on so much at one time she has been overworked and often overlooked in my opinion for no good reason, she will tell you she is not in it for the fame or glory or even yet the money as she is about the promotion and the bands more than any of the other stuff.

The reason for this post is there is a fundraiser to get some monies together to have some funding for the company and the Voodoo Queen Digital Magazine.

Taste Of Voodoo --Go Fund Me Page(click here)

We ask even if you can donate a $1/5 or 10.00 there are a number of perks. Also as anyone knows it will all help in the end and even for the amount no matter how small we will give call outs and thank you's as well as Yvonne explains in the video.With a bit of scrolling if you care to see it the video is on the What's New with Voodoo Facebook page: Date of entry was Sept 8th

What's New with Voodoo FB page(click here)

Thank you for reading this 


Anthony Nadeau
