Movie Review:The Unseen(The Blood In The Snow Canadian Film Festival)

With much mystery as to why Bob is a loner of sorts that works in the local sawmill and later to find he left his family eight years prior. This is a film with much thought and planning as this is an updated Invisible Man story that does not take pages from any of the earlier incarnations of the story of get silly like the Hollow Man films.

Instead he is losing limbs but in a sense that we cannot see them , as he is vanishing from our sight in a literal sense.He once was a shining star in the NHL and was injured that ended his career and not so much bitter about it than rather just accepting his fate,

This is a quite little film that sneaks up on you, similar but different than films before. Some good effects as he continue's to disapear, also all around some good performances -less is more.

Because of his leaving his family his ex-wife has a female partner and their daughter wants to find her father , but is it too late?

Thank you for reading this 


Anthony Nadeau
