Press Release: Canadian Cinema Editors 2017 Award Submissions Are Now Open!

The 2017 Awards Submissions are now OPEN.  It will be a big year for the CCE as it will be our 7th awards and the 10th Anniversary of the CCE.

The Entrant must upload submission by 5p.m. January 31st, 2017 in accordance with the following specifications:

Post -Production work must have occurred during Jan 1, 2016 – Dec 31, 2016.

Only productions/episodes that have not been submitted for consideration by the Awards Committee in previous years are eligible.

All entrants must have received an on-screen credit in the category in which he or she is entered.

Series entrants may only submit one episode per editor. The C.C.E. Awards Committee will randomly choose one episode if multiple episodes are submitted.

Entries must be submitted in only one category.  If an entry is made in multiple categories, the C.C.E. Awards Committee will select in which category it will be submitted based on content.

In cases where multiple editors are credited, one editor should be considered the submitting editor and other editors may be listed as additional entrants.  In the case of a win, the main editor will receive an award.  Additional editors listed will have the option to purchase a physical award.

Make sure you have saved each of your video submissions with the following format prior to beginning the submission form process:                                                Example: your_name_production_name_video_title.mp4


Terms and Conditions

Category Guide

Thank you for reading this


Anthony Nadeau
