If the artwork and title of the album did not alert you enough that the album was going to be a powerhouse of music, then click the first track and be prepared to escape with "Enemies", Madeleine sings at such great pitch, riffs galore will blow you away and the drums and bass will definitely have the earphones jumping from the head as well!
Left to right --Anton(Bass) Madeleine(Singer) Rikard(Guitar, Vocals Growls) Jesper(Drums)
The title track from the album is equally as powerful the lead-in and orchestration really build up the epicness of the song, again they do not disappoint at all. Also, you can hear Rikard do his growl.
I am totally impressed by the drums on this track --steady and brutal great job Jesper!
Being a drummer myself I know that it's not easy to pull off and I have pots and pans to prove it(inside joke) You will have to listen to the interview that I will post at the bottom I had the pleasure of having with Madeleine and Rikard to hear the incredible news on that!
For the third song being from their third album is Ava of Death and already has over 148,000 views on YouTube for the accompanying video for the song. They have complete control on everything they do from producing the album and shooting the videos. I love that they have that kind of control over everything that they do as a band and hats off to Black Lodge Records for giving them that control. Madeleine had mentioned that when I spoke to them that they said "You guys do what you do best and we do what we do best"
Some of the songs that don't have videos are just as powerful as the ones they have released as singles prior to the release, that is today November 27, 2020!
The orchestration in the song Crawl from the Ashes is fantastic and at 2:47(ish) the song slows and Rikard has a powerful moment of his own vocally. The crescendo at the end and the symphonic orchestra and choir carry the song out...I even hear some bells at the very end!
The next song is As I Breathe and Madeleine really gets the epicness of this song and some new heights vocally for me --her voice the music and just...well have a listen the video is right above.
(look up)
Silly me I thought they really liked old buildings or something and asked why they shot three of the videos around the same place, well they didn't it was just two and another was a few miles apart from the other, I just thought they just happened upon it and presto--nope! Again, more in the interview.
My personal favorite song on the album --I will let it speak for itself.
--ok, just one thing... I really love it and the bassline is great! bravo, Anton.
In case you weren't paying attention I really like this album, but more than that I can say that Madeleine and Rikard are fantastic people, and now is your chance to find out as below is the hour-long interview they were kind enough to do with me!
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