Director: Rick Korn USA | 2020 | 93 min
You don't even need to know who this man was, or what song(s) he sang, or that he revolutionized what we now know as world hunger and homelessness advocacy. We Are The World, Live Aid, and Farm Aid were essentially all inspired by one man Harry Chapin. I did not know that he had such an impact on the world-& still does. His many charity organizations and his push to (then) President of The United States of America, Jimmy Carter to not only agree to start the Governments work to end poverty and homelessness in the USA but across the globe.
It wasn't enough for Mr. Chapin to just perform a concert if there wasn't some organization that was benefiting from the show in some capacity, raised poor but with a lot of love that didn't really make him poor in the end. As he shared that love with others in his words, his music, and his never-ending compassion to change how things were around him.
More than just knowing that he was trying to make an impact & change for the better, he touched those many lives around him. Pat Benetar, Billy Joel, and many other personal families and close friends speak so highly of him, we can tell the world was a better place with Harry Chapin in it.
First-class documentary on a first-class human being.
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