Fantasia International Film Festival Movie Reviews: The Roundup, Mutant Action, Cult Hero,

This fantastic festival celebrated its 26th edition with some great films and special guests, like legendary filmmaker John Woo who attended the festival in person for their dedication to the man. He also presented a Masterclass during his visit.

I was fortunate to be able to cover this festival again, this being my second year. The festival is based in Montreal, so I am only covering it remotely, but thankful regardless.

The Roundup is a great film, mixing humor with some great fight scenes and a fantastic performance from Ma Dong-Seok aka Don Lee from Train from Busan he really gets to show his power and ability in the martial arts. He is really "The Beast" here as he is called. This is a sequel to The Outlaws(2017) I did not see that one so not sure how tightly this follows it.
Here we have another story of human sex trafficking, unfortunately, this is worldwide and has been for many years, he and the other members of the force are trying with all their power to stop this as best as they can. He and his captain go to Thailand, but upon their arrival, told they are not allowed their guns they also have no jurisdiction there so they have no authority to arrest or detain anyone.

This is exactly the kind of action film that I love to watch, it starts off with a bang and keeps going full of soo many great scenes.

I hope this gets a strong push after its festival run, I think this will be a hit with action fans, like me.

Possibly one of the most difficult movies to describe, either in 2022 or in 1993 when the film was made. Not because the content is offensive, it might be to some now. Severin Films have beautifully restored the film in 4K and looks and sounds great. 
Prior to seeing the film is playing at the festival, I had not heard of it, so thank you to Severin Films for bringing this back with the restoration.

Possibly one of the most difficult movies to describe, either in 2022 or in 1993 when the film was made. Not because the content is offensive, it might be to some now. Severin Films have beautifully restored the film in 4K and looks and sounds great. 
Prior to seeing the film playing at the festival, I had not heard of it, so thank you to Severin Films for bringing this back with the restoration.

Buckle in and get ready for an off-the-wall, kick-ass piece of entertainment that has so many crazy things going on --full speed.
I cannot remember the last time I have laughed so loud at a movie, everyone is on top of their game and shows what kind of talent we have here in Canada(for those of you who didn't know).

Both this poster and the one above really capture the feel of the action film posters of the '80s/'90s in great fashion. But don't take this seriously because you will miss some great sarcasm and witty banter.

So, imagine this, if you will, if you were to cross Trailer Park Boys with Hobo With A Shotgun and Red State,  you end up with Cult Hero, a hilarious, campy, over-the-top fun time at the movies.
Ry Barrett(Still The Water)is back!... Well, he's here as Dale Domazar, TV star, and media sensation of Cult Buster.
When a local Karen, umm... well her actual name is Kallie Jones (Liv Collins, who also co-wrote and co-produced the film)
She's hilarious as an overbearing and controlling real estate agent who sends her husband to a wellness center, she's more than a little pissed off when she goes to take him home and he doesn't want to go. So, she finds a tape of Cult Buster in her husband's belongings, calls Dale Domazar, and recruits him to save her husband from this "cult". Kallie doesn't realize that he's just a TV star and not a real "hero" or even a private investigator, because his license was revoked.
I think this movie will develop a "cult following" of its own, I certainly have been fully entertained by the film and all the great performances! One of the best/most fun times I can remember watching a movie.


  1. Glad you enjoyed cult hero as much as I do


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