Street Tombs: Reclusive Decay Out February 17th On Carbonized Records (Earsplit PR)

Like a mix of thrash-death metal? Well, then I am happy to introduce you to Street Tombs, now I didn't find them I, possibly like yourself, am hearing them for the first time, and I like what I hear.

From Santa Fe, New Mexico Street Tombs debuted in 2017, and they have released three demos since 2018.

Press notes:
Combining the death metal grit of early Sepultura and Bolt Thrower with the rabid D-Beat/street punk of Discharge and G.B.H

Photo by Caitlyn Stuart
Damian Jacoby – guitar, vocals
David McMaster – guitar, vocals
Ben Brodsky – drums
Galen Baudhuin – bass

This is in your face-guttural thrash and its pretty awesome --

"Commanding Voices of the Damned" is such a heavy and intense song, with the closing-out wailing of guitars almost sounding like an air raid signal!

Then! "Volcanic Seige" comes blaring in, even though it's the last song of the six-track album, it wants you to remember why you pressed play and wanted your eardrums to bleed!

Reclusive Decay will be released on CD, LP, cassette, and digitally. Find preorders at The Carbonized web shop HERE or Bandcamp HERE.

1. Street Tombs - Wretched Remains     4:54

2. Street Tombs - Diseased Existence    5:14

3. Street Tombs - Devour                       5:46

4. Street Tombs - Rising Torment          6:14

5. Street Tombs - Commanding Voices of the Damned  5:15

6. Street Tombs - Volcanic Siege           5:17
