
Rest In Peace --Wes Craven 76 Years of Age

Short Story Cinema - A Tricky Treat-- A Film by Patricia Chica

Little Shop of Movies Review -Unfriended (Available Now)

CD Review- Riverside: Love, Fear & The Time Machine(Available September 4, 2015)Inside Out Music

CD Review: Midas Fall-The Menagerie Inside (Available September 4th , 2015)Earsplit PR/Monotreme Records

One Year Anniversary--Fundraiser For Therapeutic Riding Association -Maple Ridge(August 23, 2014)

CD Review: Battlecross- Rise To Power(Available Now)Metal Blade Records

My Own Chaos Debut NEW Song --Prisoner of War-Exclusive Debut To Behind The Scenes!

CD Review: Spock's Beard -The Oblivion Particle(Available August 21)Inside Out Music